Monday 1 August 2016


Now A Days Poetry (Book)

Poems by Kgang Abel Motheane

Review by Ishmael Mzwandile Soqaga

It is importantly requisite to reckon that poetry as a literary genre is genially appreciated by lot of people throughout the world.  Poetry in general has many thrilling-meaningful roles it plays in people’s lives.    Absolutely, it can be expressed in many different contexts, for instance it can be sonnet or elegy etc.  William Shakespeare is one of the celebrated writers the world ever had and apart from writing as many plays he also wrote a few long poems, and a sequence of enormous sonnets. 

Nevertheless, today in the globally interconnected world information is something easy to access and when it comes to poets and poetry in particular, amazingly lot can be known. For centuries the world has produced pre-eminent bards like William Shakespeare, Emily Brontë, Thomas Hardy, D H Lawrence, T S Eliot, Olive Schreiner, William Plomer, GrabrielOkara, Chinua Achebe, Mbuyiseni Oswald Mtshali, Mongane Wally Serote, Chris van Wyk, Woly Soyinka, CharlseMungoshi, Maya Angelou etc. 

Underlying, as one encountered with the book of poetry by Kgang Abel Motheane one will obviously feel fascinated.  His poetry book “Now a Days Poetry” is very colourful, it contained various subjects.  The style and the manner in which these poems are written evinces clearly that Mr.Motheane is one of those outstanding bards that utterly deserved to be acclaimed.  As I read them, I’ve noticed that the poems are veritable and worthy to be enjoyed with profound delectation.  Surely these awe-inspiring poems are dazzling, readable and riveting. 

The author with his unalloyed imaginative fervour was not lethargic, neither his poems are monotonous but instead his poems are impressively gripping.  The bard through his stunning creativity has written the poems meticulously and with arrant enthusiasm.  They are considerable and dramatically exquisite to whet the appetite.  Imperatively, the poems incredibly touch practical dimensions which are pertinent to human existence.  They contained very splendid guidance and some odious issues that are lachrymose.

It will be better to briefly highlight some of these poems as they are intending to uplift humanity by promoting love, peace and sincerity in life.  Furthermore, there are other interesting poems in this book that pays tribute to literary icons like Chief O Bolaji and Flaxman Qoopane.  To emphasise further, there are also those poems that significantly acknowledge meritoriously former Minister of Finance of South Africa Mr. Trevor Manuel (Of Budget and all that) and Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Children’s Fund.  

Exhortation to the Youth

Again and again, avoid drugs
Keep H.I.V in abeyance
The channels you opened will be fulfilled
My beautiful youths please be in touch
With your heart’s feelings and desires
Have passion, love and sincerity

I Have to Talk

I  have to talk about our children
They must be careful and not indulge in drugs
Don’t abscond from school
Get involved in healthy pursuits like sports
They must respect their teachers and friends 

Be Always Yourself

Do not always stay behind the other people
Go ahead and be positive the world may respect you
Remember being yourself, demand big nature of yourself,
Be cool and think wise and be alert

In actual fact, the poems in this book are very enchanting.  They have a strong message to the youth and as well as to the general population.  These are poems that make life animated and cheerful.  Now a Days Poetry by Kgang Abel  Motheane deals mostly with issues that affect humanity in general.  Again the author could not conceal his fervent feelings about his wife.  

He also wrote an elegy to his wife-something which is stupendously cracking. One of the renowned bards Theodore Roethke wrote an elegy for Jane.  He has proved one of the most influential poets on the American scene in the twentieth century.  The brilliant proficiency of Mr. Motheane in cultivating such gargantuan book of poems is really sublime.  The poems “Unexpected death go back, Grave hopeless coward and The sudden death” can be apposite examples to prove that Motheane is the captivating bard.  By reading the poems one can reminisce about John Donne holy sonnet “Death be not proud”.

Published by: Motheane Associates


1.     Exhortation to the youth
2.     About myself
3.     I have to talk
4.     Thanksgiving to my best friend
5.     Of hills and hurdles
6.     Of budget and all that
7.     Communicate with confidence
8.     Brotherly love
9.     Unexpected death go back
10. Grave hopeless coward
11. Have always friend next to you
12. As you wish
13. The winter wind
14. Feeling lonely
15. The rainfall
16. A friend indeed
17. The tongue
18. My best love and passion
19. Place without taste
20. Bloemfontein plea
21. Be always yourself
22. Boy scout be prepared
23. The library
24. Poetry pleasures
25. Never abuse others
26. Beware of soil erosion
27. The song of love
28. The things I like best
29. The forest
30. Listen carefully to your true feeling
31. Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Madiba Mandela Children Fund
32. The friendship
33. Poem to a friend
34. The city without love and peace
35. The sudden death
36. Drought
37. Art of being a child
38. Express yourself to new experience
39. Poem for a deceased poet
40. Poetry to a best friend
41. Poem to my dearest wife